Diagnosing a Need for Opiate Addiction Treatment
Prior to 1980, there were no standardized definition or criteria for diagnosing hundreds of psychiatric conditions, including substance abuse and dependence disorders. With the publication of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 3rd Edition (DSM), this changed. Now, clinicians use the criteria outlined in this text to diagnose substance use disorders, like opiate addiction, and this can determine whether or not you require opiate addiction treatment.
How Were Substance Use Disorders Determined Before the DSM?
According to an article in Addiction Science Clinical Practice, before the publication of the DSM, researchers and clinicians used the same terms to refer to different things and disagreed heavily about whether or not patients had particular disorders. There were semantic debates about the definition of addictions and even over the very existence of such a disorder. It was a huge obstacle to patients getting the addiction to opiate treatment they needed.
What Does the DSM Diagnose?
The current edition of the text establishes diagnostic criteria for both substance dependence and abuse. If a patient has too few symptoms for either diagnosis, the interventions needed can be determined according to symptom clusters, specific symptoms, and the intensity of related problems.
What Are the Signs of Substance Dependence?
If your opiate use disorder has progressed to the point that you need opiate addiction treatment, you probably have a dependence on the drug. This diagnosis involves experiencing at least three of the following criteria within a one year period.
- Withdrawal
- Tolerance
- Taking opiates over a longer period or in larger amounts than planned
- Continuing desire or failed efforts to control use or cut down
- Spending considerable time obtaining, using, and recovering form opiates
- Giving up or reducing time spent on crucial occupational, social, or recreational activities
- Continuing use even though you know you have a psychological or physical problem that is made worse by your opiate use
If you see yourself in these criteria, consider addiction to opiate treatment.
Am I More Likely to Make a Successful Recovery in Outpatient Addiction to Opiate Treatment? The Inpatient v. Outpatient Opiate Addiction Treatment Dilemma
Obviously, once you have decided to seek opiate addiction treatment and you begin considering your options and the associated expenses, you want to get the most bang for your buck. You don’t want to enter treatment that is less likely to work, so you begin evaluating your choices by which has the highest chance of helping you establish a strong foundation for sobriety. That is a completely natural approach, but it isn’t one that will prove to be very productive. When it comes down to it, there isn’t a form of addiction treatment that establishes the same level of recovery for every patient. What will work best for you depends upon your unique situation.
What Is Inpatient Addiction to Opiate Treatment?
Inpatient opiate addiction treatment is often called residential treatment because patients are required to reside at the facility for the entire duration of their treatment. Living quarters are very much like a dormitory, generally. And, meals are taken with the rest of the rehab’s participants.
Why Would I Choose Inpatient Treatment?
Inpatient opiate addiction treatment isn’t for everyone, but there are circumstances in which you are more likely to benefit from it.
If you aren’t able to focus on your daily responsibilities, home situation, family relationships, and the stress of rehab, it may be valuable for you to separate yourself from everyday life and attend residential treatment. This way, you can devote all of your energy and attention to getting better.
Will It Work for Me?
There is no guarantee that inpatient care will work for all people. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, treatment has to be matched to your needs and specific problems. Things like the treatment setting and the interventions used are only the best for you if they set you up to fully engage in treatment for the entire duration of your addiction to opiate treatment program.
Shame, Addiction, and Addiction to Opiate Treatment; The Dangers of Shame in Opiate Addiction Treatment
Everyone experiences shame during their lifetime. In many ways, it can be seen as beneficial because it encourages people to behave well, but when it becomes a primary emotion, it is hazardous. In fact, some people even turn to opiate use to escape their shame. That, in turn, leads to addiction and a need for opiate abuse treatment or marijuana addiction treatment. However, if shame continues to dog them, it can undo their hard work and compromise their continued recovery. Therefore, people need to develop the skills needed to manage their shame.
What Is Shame?
Shame is an aching feeling that is the result of the awareness of having done something that is ridiculous, improper, dishonorable, etc. Usually, you also feel a bit of guilt when you feel shame. You may also feel embarrassed. People who feel shame aren’t overcome by what they have done; instead, they believe that something is wrong with them. They are the core of the issue.
How Does Shame Threaten Recovery?
During and after your addiction to opiate treatment, shame can prove to be undermining because:
- It can prevent you from forming and maintain the friendships you need to foster a healthy support system.
- It can cause you to relapse to escape the persistent negative self-talk.
- It can cause you to believe that you don’t deserve to recover, and that may cause you to resist fully participating in opiate addiction treatment.
How Can I Fight Shame?
Try some of the following tips.
- Develop self-esteem. When you value yourself, you are less likely to blame yourself for small missteps.
- Separate yourself from your perceived failures. Just because you make mistakes doesn’t make you a bad person.
- Remind yourself that others aren’t thinking the worst. You don’t need to feel shame because you think other people are judging you to be inadequate.
During addiction to opiate treatment, work to fight shame and avoid the damage it can cause.